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New Wave - Noise Elimination With Wavelets At Vast Energies  0.1.0
NewWave::NotCompiledException Class Reference

Thrown when a feature is called for which support was not compiled. More...

#include <Exceptions.hh>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 NotCompiledException (const string &msg)

Detailed Description

Thrown when a feature is called for which support was not compiled.

Some features (e.g. HepMC support, GSL) require external libraries to be linked at compile time. This exception should be thrown if such a feature is called at runtime without having been compiled

Definition at line 27 of file Exceptions.hh.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

NewWave::NotCompiledException::NotCompiledException ( const string &  msg) [inline]

Definition at line 30 of file Exceptions.hh.

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