newwave is hosted by Hepforge, IPPP Durham

Installing New Wave

New wave uses the autotools build system. Optional dependencies are HepMC and GSL.

Enabling HepMC support allows wavelet analysis to be performed directly on HepMC events, but does obviously require that the HepMC libraries are installed and linked against.

GSL support must be enabled in order to use the interface to the GSL wavelet transforms. New Wave allows you to write your own wavelet transformation functions, but currently the only included wavelet transforms are those from GSL, so if you don't write your own, it is pretty much useless without GSL.

The decision was made to require a C++11 compatible compiler. The reasoning was that by using the improved features of C++11, the use of the Boost libraries becomes unneccessary. Reducing the number of dependencies reduces the number of possible installation issues, and the non-standard nature of many Boost installations can make it particularly annoying. C++11 is available on both SLC6 and Mac OS X, plus most other modern *nixes. Autotools should find and configure the compiler appropriately, and will let you know if your compiler is not compatible. Please let me know via the contact button to the left if I missed some obvious system that lacks C++11 support.

The release tarball of NewWave is now availble from the downloads page. Download the latest tarball to a convenient location, then untar with the standard command

tar -zxvf NewWave-1.0.0.tar.gz
cd NewWave-1.0.0

You can check the available build options with

./configure --help

Two important options are those that specify the location of HepMC and GSL:

./configure --with-HepMC=</path/to/HepMC> --with-gsl=</path/to/GSL>

I do my best to find these automatically (e.g. from AFS on lxplus, if available, or "normal" locations like /usr/local), but if they are not found you will need to specify them.

Having configured the build, including the installation location (--prefix=/location), you then build and install with the normal commands

make install

New Wave is still being developed, and you may want to use the latest development trunk, available from from svn with the command:

svn co NewWave

Because this is not a release tarball, the first time you compile the svn trunk you will need to generate the configure script using autotools. The command to do that is:

cd NewWave
autoreconf -fvi

Subsequent compilations do not require regeneration of the configure script (unless you modify the build system itself!). Having generated the script, you can build and install it in the same way as the release tarball