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New Wave - Noise Elimination With Wavelets At Vast Energies  0.1.0
NewWave::GSLEngine Class Reference

Implementation of the WaveletEngine using the GNU Scientific Library. More...

#include <GSLEngine.hh>

Inheritance diagram for NewWave::GSLEngine:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 GSLEngine (const gsl_wavelet_type *type, size_t degree, const PixelDefinition &pixelDefn)
 ~GSLEngine ()
WaveletCoefficients transform (const PixelArray &pixels) const
 Perform the wavelet transformation on a 2-D array of pixels.
PixelArray inverseTransform (const WaveletCoefficients &coefficients) const
 Perform the inverse wavelet transformation on a list of coefficients.

Detailed Description

Implementation of the WaveletEngine using the GNU Scientific Library.

Definition at line 18 of file GSLEngine.hh.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

NewWave::GSLEngine::GSLEngine ( const gsl_wavelet_type *  type,
size_t  degree,
const PixelDefinition pixelDefn 

Member Function Documentation

PixelArray NewWave::GSLEngine::inverseTransform ( const WaveletCoefficients &  coefficients) const [virtual]

Perform the inverse wavelet transformation on a list of coefficients.

The inverse wavelet transform takes a list of coefficients and returns an array of pixel values in rapidity- $\phi$ space

coefficientsThe WaveletCoefficients to transform
a PixelArray in rapidity- $\phi$ space

Implements NewWave::WaveletEngine.

WaveletCoefficients NewWave::GSLEngine::transform ( const PixelArray pixels) const [virtual]

Perform the wavelet transformation on a 2-D array of pixels.

pixelsThe 2-D array of pixels
A list WaveletCoefficients. No guarantee is made as to their order

Implements NewWave::WaveletEngine.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: