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New Wave - Noise Elimination With Wavelets At Vast Energies  0.1.0
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
NewWave::FrequencyBandA frequency band contains all the wavelet coefficients of the same angular scale
NewWave::GSLEngineImplementation of the WaveletEngine using the GNU Scientific Library
NewWave::GSLExceptionThrown when a GSL wavelet transform call fails
NewWave::InvalidFrequencyBandThrown when an attempt is made to access an invalid FrequencyBand
NewWave::NotCompiledExceptionThrown when a feature is called for which support was not compiled
NewWave::PileUpThresholdExceptionThrown when a non-valid (i.e. negative) pile up threshold is set
NewWave::PixelArrayMismatchThrown when the length of the PixelArray does not match the expected sequence length in the transforming engine
NewWave::PixelDefinitionDefines the range and coordinates of the "pixels" in the rasterised event
NewWave::PixelDefinitionExceptionThrown when a bad definition of the pixels is used
NewWave::RasterisedEvent< T >A rasterised representation of the event
NewWave::WaveletCoefficientContains a single wavelet coefficient value, together with its levels
NewWave::WaveletEngineAbstract interface defining methods to perform a wavelet transform
NewWave::WaveletEvent< T, momentum_type >A representation of the event in the wavelet domain
NewWave::WrongCoefficientThrown when an attempt is made to add a coefficient to a non-matching frequency band