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New Wave - Noise Elimination With Wavelets At Vast Energies  0.1.0
NewWave::PixelDefinition Member List
This is the complete list of members for NewWave::PixelDefinition, including all inherited members.
covers(double y, double phi) const NewWave::PixelDefinition
makeEmptyPixelArray() const NewWave::PixelDefinition
nLevels() const NewWave::PixelDefinition
nPixels() const NewWave::PixelDefinition
phiPixelIndex(double phi) const NewWave::PixelDefinition
PixelDefinition(size_t nBins, double yMax, bool allowPadding=false)NewWave::PixelDefinition
PixelDefinition(size_t nBinsPhi, double phiMin, double phiMax, size_t nBinsY, double yMin, double yMax, bool allowPhiPadding=false)NewWave::PixelDefinition
yMax() const NewWave::PixelDefinition
yMin() const NewWave::PixelDefinition
yPixelIndex(double y) const NewWave::PixelDefinition